Free EV Chargers!

We are currently focusing on larger properties with 50 parking spaces or more.

Currently serving LADWP customers in Southern California, Pasadena W&P, Burbank W&P, The Bay Area,

Arizona, Nevada, all five NYC boroughs.


We utilize Juicebox chargers, a very high quality product. Users connect and pay via an app.

what the what?

JLS Palms has contracted with a Los Angeles based company which installs Electrical Vehicle (EV) chargers free to property owners. Yes free. We take care of all paperwork, permitting, hardware, software, wiring, conduit and electrical breaker changes. It’s truly hands off for owners.

Won’t this increase my electric bill?

The beauty of our chargers is that it requires residents to pay per charge. You set the fees for usage. For example you can charge $0.30 per kWh. This free amenity can become a revenue generator! It’s all controlled through an app or web portal. Residents contact the EV charger company with any questions or issues, not you.



Utilities are currently offering rebates in order to install EV chargers. Our partner installer eventually gets paid via these rebates.

Why now? Few of my residents have Ev’s.

Installing EV chargers now adds a free amenity to your property. It may be the deciding factor in locating a good renter the next time you have a vacancy. EV adoption is set to explode in the coming years, as more and more drivers make the switch. Federal, State and local financial incentives can add up to tens of thousands of dollars off the purchase of a new EV. These rebates to install chargers will not last forever. In fact, many are being reduced and phased out soon.

Relax, we’ll take care of it!

Relax, we’ll take care of it!

Cant’ I just do this myself with my electrician?

Sure you can! Our personal experience with the LADWP required about 18 months of waiting, dealing with their bureaucracy, permitting with the city, and oversight/coordinating the electrician. We also had to find the EV chargers ourselves, pay for them out of pocket, and provision the software because the electrician didn’t understand it. At the end of the day we were only reimbursed for the cost of the charger and labor. We must also maintain the chargers and support renters with questions.

Our solution removes all of those steps with one point of contact.

If you’re interested please fill out this simple survey for us to follow up on this program. (button below). Don’t wait, these rebates won’t last forever!

JLS Palms LLC may earn a referral fee for customers who consummate charger installation.